Homelessness is apparently on the rise…![]()
News Clip Art
Last night as Mark and I were parked in front of the T.V. relaxing, we were wandering through YouTube and I was recommended a video from KOMO 4 a Seattle news channel called “Seattle is dying“. Apparently since we moved away the homeless problem has become particularly egregious there. This reminded me of previous news I had read about here in Cincinnati about a homeless problem. I’m willing to bet these homeless problems which are apparently on the rise everywhere actually represents the reality of the economy unlike what the media presents as representative which would be how well Wall Street is doing. Business doing well in no way tells use how everyday people are doing, especially when those business have the ability to do stock buy backs and inflate their own worth through those buy backs. I also think the rise of homelessness is representative of the growing opiate crisis we have here in this country. But until this country decides to start treating addicts for the medical crisis they are in instead of locking them up in jail we’re going to continue to have problems in my opinion.
So What Happens Next?![]()
News Clip Art
So after all the Brown immigrants are deported, and denaturalized, will they come for my husband and/or mother in law next? I’m genuinely afraid of where all this hate is taking us. Right now they are only going after brown immigrants, but they are doing so at all levels. Discharging them from the military, revoking citizenship and taking children from their parents. What happens when all that is accomplished? Who will they want us to hate next?
We need Healthcare..![]()
Stethoscope on a printed sheet of paper
Normally I don’t get upset and go on Rants, but today I’m going to. Right now, my 61-year-old Mom is sick, she’s at home with a fever. She’s not sure what’s causing that fever and she can’t afford to find out, because she doesn’t have health care. WE NEED MEDICARE FOR ALL. People shouldn’t have to choose between paying the bills and going broke because they are sick. I’m in my current condition because I couldn’t afford health care before we had the Affordable Care Act, and I ended up not being diagnosed for a very long time, then when I was I couldn’t afford to keep getting my bloodwork drawn and meds Adjusted. Now a bunch of people want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act instead of improving on it. I personally would gladly pay higher taxes to ensure that others never must suffer through making the tough choice of going to the doctor or paying bills.
Why is there so much hate today?![]()
News Clip Art
I was reading through the Facebook page of my local channel 9 news station and I came across the article they did about Heather Heyer’s (The poor woman who lost her life in Charlottesville Virgina) Mother and her refusal to speak with Trump after she saw him on the news and heard his own words. There were 162 comments on that article and a huge portion of them were denigrating the woman, accusing her of being paid off and a number of other insults were heaped at this poor mother who recently went through the horror of losing her daughter to hate. I just don’t understand how people can be so filled with hate and Anger. You don’t fight hate and anger with hate in anger it never works and it’s a horrible thing to propagate. I also can’t believe how well that south has done at selling the story of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy So many people, even people who have never been to south have bought into this narrative that the south fought a heroic battle against great odds. It has definitely had a lasting effect on our social conscious. The Confederates were not heroes they were enemies of the state and they should be remembered for that alone.
Voices from the Days of Slavery – Faces and Voices from the Presentation (American Memory from the Library of Congress)![]()
Fountain Hughes
This page from the Library of Congress allows you to hear in their own words the voices of those who were enslaved, who the confederacy fought to keep enslaved. It’s surreal to me to listen to Fountain Hughes talk about how his grandfather was owned by Thomas Jefferson. I’m so glad that slavery no longer exists but we still have a long way to go to remove the stain of hate from such a legacy. Removing monuments & plaques which seek to honor those who fought to preserve such an oppressive existence is just the beginning.
Sign placed where Confederate monument was removed in Franklin – WCPO Cincinnati![]()
A Picture of the Sign, The monument was hauled away overnight. Image Source: WCPO
As an Ohioan I’m utterly ashamed of anyone who would advocate for anything honoring the confederacy. Ohio raised nearly 320,000 soldiers for the Union army, third behind only New York and Pennsylvania in total manpower contributed to the military. Ohio played an important part in the Underground Railroad prior to the war, and remained a haven for escaped and runaway slaves during the war years. Several leading generals were from Ohio, including Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and Philip H. Sheridan. Five Ohio-born Civil War officers would later serve as the President of the United States. Anyone fighting for the confederacy was a traitor to our country and while we shouldn’t forget what happened we should not honor them by giving them monuments and plaques in places of honor, those things should be in museums where people can learn & ask questions.
Source: Sign placed where Confederate monument was removed in Franklin – WCPO Cincinnati, OH