Net Neutrality: We Need a Better Deal
The FCC’s new proposal for Net Neutrality rules include effectively abolishing it: proposing preferential treatment for certain traffic. In the wake of February’s Netflix and Comcast deal, it becomes obvious that only companies willing to pay for access have traffic worthy of preferential treatment.…
It’s time for the FCC to stand up for Americans instead of ruining the internet
Cowardice and capitulation could mess up a vital utility
For those who don’t know the DMCA is used by both the RIAA & MPAA to issues takedown notices on the internet. It’s been highly abused by these organizations & others to take down youtube videos and other content across the web. There is a war going on to preserve our internet and we should all be educated about it.
Comcast: Throwing Money At Congress To Approve Our Merger Is Ok Because Congress Represents The People!
Comcast is using a variety of sophisticated lobbying tricks to get the company’s proposed $45 billion acquisition of Time Warner Cable approved, including using minority groups and an endless…
This is exactly why we need to break up the cable oligopoly
Comcast isn’t letting customers watch HBO Go on PlayStation 3
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
So ISP’s want people to pay more. NEWSFLASH I and others already pay more for better internet services at least that’s what we’re told. My internet only bill is $82.00 a month, We pay extra for what they call “Extreme Upgrade”. Yet we still have problems with buffering on Youtube & Netflix. Because apparently Time Warner has seen fit to throttle connections to both websites. So they way want to sell me an internet package they don’t want to actually see me using. Not to mention the $200 billion in tax dollars we gave to ISP’s to upgrade their infrastructure which apparently never happened. (http://to.pbs.org/1esJSzD) ISP’s are the Ma Bell of today and unless this Oligopoly is broken up we are all going to pay dearly for it. We need competition and that is not happening on any level and we’re all getting screwed because of it. We also need net neutrality else instead of the internet we’re going to have cable 2.0.
Verizon CEO Wants To Charge You More If You Use Too Much Internet
Verizon CEO Wants To Charge You More If You Use Too Much Internet
The internet is fucked
(but we can fix it)
Net neutrality petition gets a million signatures
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
Obama on net neutrality: I wouldn’t be president without an open Internet
President expects FCC to regulate Internet, uphold neutrality principles.
Net neutrality petition gets a million signatures
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.