Right now, the internet needs your help to survive
There is still time for your voice to be heard
We can’t let Comcast get even bigger. Take action to stop the Comcast TWC merger
Comcast + Time Warner Cable = Disaster | Free Press
Comcast wants to buy Time Warner Cable. We can’t let Comcast get even bigger. Take action to stop this merger.
You have until August 25th to sound off on Comcast’s takeover of Time Warner Cable
The FCC is taking comments on the deal
Congress is about to vote on a terrible new cybersecurity bill
Is it a new defense against hackers or a backdoor wiretap for the NSA?
The anti-net neutrality coalition is a sham
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
‘A soup of misery’: Over half of people say they’d abandon their cable company, if only they could
Cable rage is real, and a study of 3,000 customers proves it.
Cable companies bankroll fake consumer groups to end net neutrality
Internet fast lane debate is latest battleground in storied ISP astroturf saga.
Don’t Let Congress Ruin Net Neutrality | Free Press
A bad bill has been introduced in the House that would prevent the FCC from protecting REAL Net Neutrality. A vote for this bill is a vote against Net Neutrality. Tell Congress to stay far away from this TOXIC bill!