On December 09, 2013 at 10:08AM Angel Said…So now we know who started the whole “video games lead to violence” rumor’s. apparently the NSA has been playing games on our dime and has taken the MMO Trolls & all their threats seriously….. idiots
NSA reportedly infiltrated Xbox Live and World of Warcraft in hunt for terrorists | Engadget
According to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and brought to light today by The Guardian, the NSA has been monitoring online gaming communities since 2008 and has even been sending real-life agents into online RPGs posing as players.
On June 30, 2013 at 10:21AM Mark Said…Guild Wars 2 ….YEAAA…….Ohhhhh maybe not. For those that may be wondering why I have not been playing GW2 lately, I will explain. When they first announced they would not be doing a new expansion for GW but instead apply their efforts into a new game GW2 I couldn’t wait. Years went by with little to no word about it from Anet. Finally they announced a release date. This was amazing news. Before I tell you I feel I should explain something up front. I came into this game with the highest hopes and the greatest respect for Anet and their work, I played this game day in and day out for months and months and months in the hopes that I could work through this. Thinking maybe it would grow on me and it was just because it was new , that I was having an issue with it. I still love the rest of the game but unless they make a change to this area, I do not see myself playing it very much at all. Ok well here we go. The skill system in this game is absolutely horrendous. There is no flexibility in it at all. It is designed to be nothing more than a “set your monkey in front of your keyboard and spam” play style. I feel like they took GW and dumbed it down so even your pets can play. Oh and before I start hearing the “there was only a few great builds in the system in GW. The rest was just crap” bullshit, I have this to say. For people with the inability or drive to actually want to learn their class to the best of their ability, only want to ever use what they can find on PvX etc. or are just too fucking lazy to actually make an attempt to see if this is true (which it absolutely is not) before just spouting off…….save your bullshit for someone that doesn’t know any better. GW actually required talent to play and survive and succeed. Sure you had your fuckin’ “so dipshit proof a moron could do it” farm builds but when it came to actual questing/playing the game, each area had to be approached differently. You had to stop, think about what you were going to be fighting, plan your skills and your strategy on how best to use them in the coming fight. You couldn’t just run through the game with the same build, spamming the same skills from beginning to end and if you did ( and I am sure some fucktard will claim they did) then you probably only were able to because of people you were playing with who were actually using a wide base of their skills, doing the adapting for your lazy ass and making up for the dead weight that was you. I really feel that skill/combat wise GW2 as taken a serious leap backwards. They have stupified game play to a level as to appeal to the lowest common denominator and until I See this change I don’t see myself returning to it with any excitement or thrill that I had every time I logged into GW. Then again if this isn’t improved upon I may not see myself returning at all. I waited years and years for this game. I tried so hard to love this game like I did GW. I just can’t fool myself any longer.
ZentiaLately I’ve been finding myself perusing the MMO Market. Maybe it’s just a listlessness because for the most part all MMO’s are starting to feel the same, just with a different lore behind it. I’m trying to be as patient as possible but the more information that is released about Guild Wars 2 the harder time I’m having being happy with my current MMO choices. I have been quite happily playing Lord of the Rings online. Just being in Middle Earth more than makes up for the games quirks. Since I already have one max level character I haven’t really been playing so much. Recently I read a review over at Massively about a little game that is both quite new to