We are the 99%So after lot’s of reading I’ve come to the decision that We the %99 have a right to be angry. My mom always told me if I worked hard things would be ok. Well I worked hard at my minimum wage job and my husband worked hard as an aerospace machinist and yet here I sit 35 years old(soon to be 36) living at my mom’s house. 6 years ago We filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. My husbands job didn’t provide dependent insurance. I got sick I have graves disease which has debilitated me. He finally got another job with insurance and I was able to go to the doctor. Then He got laid off, We were told he made too much money to get medical assistance because you know we were living the high life on unemployment. For 2 years he looked for work with nothing, There were occasional interviews but they always went with some other prospect normally telling him he didn’t have the experience they were looking for. We lived in Washington state, the cost of living is pretty high there and rent for our 2 bedroom apartment was $947.00 a month, we didn’t have cable we gave that up a long time ago, we also didn’t have a phone though we kept a pre-paid cell for emergencies. We also had to pay our own water, sewer, and trash, along side the electric bill and buying groceries for us and our kid. Our lease was coming up and the cheapest option they were offering was $1012.00 a month.
Busted LCD T.V.A few years ago Mark and I bought our first LCD t.v. A 40 inch Dynex from best buy. It’s been a great t.v. and even survived the 2500+ mile car trip from Washington. But apparently it couldn’t survive a falling broomstick handle. The tip of the broom hit it and and well now it’s just screwed. So now we have to get a new t.v. because as you can see by the picture it was not only our t.v. but a computer monitor which we used for our media center computer. It really sucks to have unexpected expenses.
Got my new bed!I finally got my new bed, well at least a part of it. We ordered a platform and for now it just has the air mattress sitting on it until we can get the actual mattress. But having just the platform has made a world of diffrence to my back. When we moved we left pretty much all our furniture behind so we’re starting over but I guess it will be ok. It’s a chance to get new stuff, but it’s just a slow and painful process.
My Joye EgoWell I ordered and electronic cigarette, it’s called the Joye ego. I ordered it on August 11th and received it today on August 16th. It’s definitely different from smoking a regular cigarette. At first there was a slight taste of metal, but cleaned the atomizers in 99% isopropyl alcohol and dried them by hanging them on the front of my desktop fan, and that seemed to make the metal taste go away. I definitely think I’ll be trying different flavors as the ones the starter kit came with just don’t have the “right” taste for me. But everyone is different. The folks over at E-Cigarette Forum have given me quite a lot of good advice. I’ve been advised to try getting some empty cartridges and filling it with juice myself, and to also try to different flavors, so I will. There is a real difference in the feel between dragging on a cigarette and an e-cig but it has already helped me cut way down on smoking just this first day. Hopefully my experience will get even better with different flavors. I’ll update more later on the subject.
More Bills…Well I spent last night adding another bill to our long list of medical bills we can’t pay by paying a visit to the emergency room. Lately My legs have been itching a lot due to dry skin, well it turns out that I have what they call Cellulitis It’s a bacterial skin infection. Cellutitis is pretty common and they gave me some antibiotics to treat it. But I really had to wonder about the doctor. Actually he was a Physicians assistant whatever that means, he wanted to keep me overnight for my heart arrhythmia that my cardiologist told me I would probably have for the rest of my life. Well I already hate hospitals, and I have no medical insurance to speak of since Mark got laid off . The state told us we make to much money for me to get medical assistance of any kind. So I told that doctor that I was leaving, and not staying. So they gave me the antibiotics and I left AMA (against medical advice). So here I am. My legs look better already, aside from the itching, I’m applying cortaid, but it still itches, and I’m doing my best to ignore it.
Decent Story on the history of copyrightI found a decent story on the history of copyright over at arstechnica, it’s quite an interesting read. Seems big money has always been afraid of new tech..