Oh shit
Time to freestyle
Working on music
I need to play a show
I don’t like the new Facebook mobile layout
I wanna say thank you to the people who have supported my music sense day one it means more then you realize
Social media is starting to be like my fridge, I know nothing is there but I keep checking anyways
Sinta Kitty Sleeping in the window
So today I woke up in so much pain I was in tears. Luckily Mark was here and quickly came to rescue with tiger balm & advil, but damn it was bad. Also here’s an adorable picture of my fur baby sleeping in the window
About to post my datsik and virtual riot Bootleg it’s gonna be dope
Who wants new music today
Lms and ill tag you when I post it
Don’t you love it when people get pissed when you have done NOTHING wrong, I love pointless fighting sooo muchh