Three Strikes and You’re Still In - France Kills Piracy Disconnections * TorrentFreak
After years of debate and controversy the French Government has finally backtracked on the law which allowed errant subscribers to be disconnected from the Internet. This morning a decree was published which removed the possibility for file-sharers to have their connections cut for copyright infring…
Six Scientifically Supported Ways to Crush Procrastination
Procrastination is something that everyone deals with. It’s hard to place too much blame on ourselves though, as the internet offers an unlimited amount of alternatives to doing our work. Since that’s the case, what are some proven ways to combat procrastination? Let’s take a look!
I am pro LGBT despite being straight. I am pro legalization despite me not smoking weed. I am for a woman's right to choose despite being male. I don't believe that just because my lifestyle choices, enjoyments, indulgences etc. are different than someone else's then their rights should be supressed, removed or trampled on. If you don't feel the same way then do me a favor and unfriend me and make fucking room for someone with some dignity, class and respect for someone other than your self righteous ass.
Even Russia warns the Obama administration of the growing threat of Monsanto and GMOs and EPA under the Obama administration is sued over deaths of bees
Even Russia warns the Obama administration of the growing threat of Monsanto and GMOs and EPA under the Obama administration is sued over deaths of bees