Looking behind, I am filled with gratitude,
looking forward, I am filled with vision,
looking upwards I am filled with strength,
looking within, I discover peace ~Whispers from the Soul
I have just been sitting here listening to some music that I have not had a chance to listen to yet. Some disappointing, some good and yet others awesome. Biggest disappointment so far is the newest Queesryche. Sadly it is terrible …. Biggest surprise (in a good way) is the new Sodom album. That album kicks major ass.
How Stress Breaks Down Your Mind and Body (and How to Fight Back)
Stress is something I’ve been intimately acquainted with since I was a teenager. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to perform to a high standard, and often end up losing sleep due to stress. Since I’m working on decreasing stress in my life, I thought it would be interesting to look into how…
Sooooo who besides me has a sudden urge to buy an Aston Martin?
Show Time! Tripping the Light Fantastic as a Performance Artist for Occupy Wall Street (PHOTOS)
Whaling’s day in court is a sea change for conservation | Georgina Kenyon
Georgina Kenyon: Representatives from the Australian government are facing their Japanese counterparts to end ‘scientific whaling’. The survival of the species depends on it
Wolf Howl Study Suggests Behavior Helps Animals 'Keep In Touch' With Friends
A howl pierces the calm night, its eerie majesty a signal that wolves are afoot. But what is the purpose of wolf howls, and what do they mean?
Sign Petition: Stop Owl Sacrifices in India
An increase in illegal owl trade and sacrifices around Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, threatens the future of owls in (92564 signatures on petition)
“No man is a failure who is enjoying life.” ~William Faulkner
NSA bugged UN headquarters - report
The US National Security Agency (NSA) successfully cracked the encryption code protecting the United Nations’ internal videoconferencing system, according to documents seen by Germany’s Der Spiegel.