On September 25, 2014 at 10:05PM Mark Said…![]()
Why our ancestors built round houses – and why it still makes sense to build round structures today
The oldest forms of indigenous shelter were often round in shape. (Think the Southwest USA Hogan, Mongolian Yurt, North American Teepee and the Greek Tenemos, among others.) Why did our ancestors choose to build round? Because the ovid shape — eggs, earth, tree trunks, and stones — is what they saw reflected in the surrounding natural environment. And, as usual, Mother Nature knows best. There is some nifty natural science that makes round buildings more comfortable, more energy-efficient and safer — especially if you combine the ancient shape with modern materials.
On September 25, 2014 at 06:42AM Angel Said…Last Night I found out I lost my Best friend of 20 years. Lisa you barely knew me when you stood by my side and helped me break away from Mike. You and I were both still kids ourselves. I was 19 and you were 17. Together we tried to navigate life. And though we might have not always been near each other we were always there for each other. I will always remember the times we had, the walks we took. The shit we had to deal with I love you and I will never forget you, You’ll always live in my heart because in a lot of ways we did some growing up together. Dealing with the crap that life threw at us. I love you. 12-29-78 – 09-23-14
On September 23, 2014 at 04:41PM Angel Said…![]()
The Art of Unblocking Websites Without Committing Crimes * TorrentFreak
Last month UK police took down several torrent site proxies and arrested their owner. Now a UK developer has created a new & free service that not only silently unblocks any website without falling foul of the law, but one that will eventually become available to all under a GPL 3.0 license.
On September 21, 2014 at 06:40PM Mark Said…What if I told you ketchup is originally a Chinese invention? Did I peak your interest? Well read the article. ![]()
‘Language Of Food’ Reveals Mysteries Of Menu Words And Ketchup
Linguist Dan Jurafsky uncovers the fishy origins of ketchup and how it forces us to rethink global history. He also teaches us how to read a menu to figure out how much a restaurant may charge.