$10/mo for Google Music All Access has been absolutely fantastic for me since it launched. I listen to a lot of music, so a subscription model is pretty great. That being said, I like having the choice go this route. Apple is attempting to shoehorn users into not having a choice. Not cool. But, par for the course, as per everything that Apple does.
Best radio show/podcast ever!!! Hola Bitcholas!!!!
The Mens Room Daily Podcast
From Sinners To Saints, Kings To Commoners, Rock Stars And Regular Folks. Everyone Is Here And They’re Sharing Their Stories. Sit Down And Grab A Beer With The Men Of The Mens Room.
Forget the Higgs. CERN’s celebrity particle smasher is searching for the root of reality
It’s the faster, stronger, better Large Hadron Collider
Still basking in the glory of the Higgs discovery, CERN’s celebrity particle smasher is aiming for even wilder particles – and the truth about supersymmetry