On June 19, 2015 at 12:35PM Angel Said…

This Momma cat adopted ducklings 🙂

On June 19, 2015 at 11:08AM Angel Said…

Hey Mark Look

Amazon deal brings 12,000 Marvel comics to the Kindle store
After acquiring comics download platform Comixology last year, Amazon is again tightening its grasp on the digital comics industry. The retail giant announced a new deal last night with publisher…


On June 18, 2015 at 06:33PM Mark Said…

It should be Donna from Suits. 😉

Woman’s Portrait Will Appear on the $10 Bill – NYTimes.com
WASHINGTON — Growing numbers of Americans are going cashless, but demands to finally put a woman on paper currency persist. And now the Treasury has announced that a portrait of a woman, to be determined soon, will grace the $10 bill. The note will continue to have some image, …


On June 18, 2015 at 11:32AM Angel Said…

Hey Mark Check this out babe 🙂

50 Fun Activities for $5 or Less in Cincinnati
Use our activity guide for full entertainment at bargain prices! Find 50 Fun Activities for $5 or Less in Cincinnati


On June 17, 2015 at 06:53PM Mark Said…

WTG ladies of U-DUB

UW (University of Washington) originally shared:
The UW LEADs the nation in percentage of women in tenure-track engineering faculty positions at 22.4%. And thanks to Leadership Excellence for Academic Diversity (LEAD) workshops and toolkits, the UW is helping other universities close the gap.

UW LEADs nation in female engineering faculty | UW Today
News and Information. Bioengineering professor Valerie Daggett works with a student in her lab.University of Washington. Among the nation’s top 50 engineering schools, the University of Washington has the highest percentage of women in tenure-track engineering faculty positions: 22.4 percent.


On June 16, 2015 at 09:52PM Angel Said…

Coming to the awkward realization that a huge portion of the people in my life only seem to come around or call when they want/need something. I have to wonder, does this mean I’ve been a pushover in the past? How is it that in my almost 40 years on this planet I have so few people in my life who really care?

On June 16, 2015 at 07:53PM Mark Said…

Can’t wait for Agent Carter to come back


On June 15, 2015 at 11:32PM Mark Said…

Ok now this makes me want to invest in a PS4.

On June 13, 2015 at 08:09AM Mark Said…

Doctor Who week long programming event starts today on Disney XD in the US


On June 12, 2015 at 10:08PM Mark Said…

Oh the memories of playing this awesome game. Best theme song ever.