Beep boop boop beep beep boop tweet beep tweet boop tweet beep boop . That’s all I have to say
Tony Dyson, Creator of R2-D2, Has Passed Away
R2-D2 is recognized and loved by Star Wars fans around the globe. Today, his creator Tony Dyson has passed away.
lol Watching my cat chase raindrops on the window….too cute!
Black bears of Ohio return to natural habitat
In the Buckeye State, the large furry mammals are back but are humans ready for them?
What is the Ketogenic Diet and Is Ketosis Safe?
Any diet, by definition, is a group of foods consumed for a certain period of time. A “diet” can be as simple as an average daily meal or it can also be part of a treatment program for specific medical conditions. The ketogenic diet, which allows someone to enter a state of nutritional…
Thanks to the crosseyed pianist Frances Wilson for this interview, it was a real pleasure to answer your questions!
Meet the Artist……Heike Matthiesen, guitarist
Who or what inspired you to take up the guitar and pursue a career in music? Growing up in an opera family it sounds strange to fall in love with guitar, but all my life I was fascinated wit… |
Need a nice romantic movie to take your woman to see on Valentines Day? Well here ya go. 😉

I just got this today, It’s a pretty nice laptop. I skipped windows 8 and this is my first experience with Windows 10. I have to say I’m actually liking it. (Maybe it’s good I skipped 8..lol) Anyway nice to finally have a laptop and not a notebook. The screen on my notebook was just too small for me. I don’t know if its the Graves disease finally taking a toll on my eyes or if it’s just age, but the small screen on an 11 inch notebook was just difficult for me and I constantly found myself straining.
A Supergirl/The Flash Crossover Is Happening: Find Out How and When
A Supergirl/The Flash Crossover Is Happening: Find Out How and When
CBS’ Supergirl will meet The CW’s The Flash, when the DC Comics series pull off an internetwork crossover this spring.