On September 29, 2016 at 09:26PM Angel Said…

It’s so weird, my house is so quiet now. In the past year we went from six people under one roof, to now just the two of us. I’m not complaining, it’s just weird.

On September 27, 2016 at 09:18PM Mark Said…

Interesting article and not a big surprise at all.

Over And Over Again, The Military Has Conducted Dangerous Biowarfare Experiments On Americans
On September 20, 1950, a US Navy ship just off the coast of San Francisco used a giant hose to spray a cloud of microbes into the air and into the city’s f


On September 25, 2016 at 12:13AM Angel Said…

Ask me how many incorrigible charges I have on my juvenile record…. I’ve been saying for years that the Juvenile system is screwed up.

Thousands of girls are locked up for talking back or staying out late
Will Congress do anything to stop it?


On September 24, 2016 at 12:11AM Kenzie Said…

Someone text meeee hmu for number

On September 23, 2016 at 02:50AM Angel Said…

How the FDA Manipulates the Media
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been arm-twisting journalists into relinquishing their reportorial independence, our investigation reveals. Other institutions are following suit


On September 18, 2016 at 06:00PM Mark Said…

Cool post. Thanks to +DankEmpire666​ for sharing

“I’ve seen this topic come up a number of times, and it’s gotten me to thinking: Are the Sith really a truly evil organization, or are they just completely misrepresented by people like Palpatine?

I’ll start this off by presenting my own opinion on the matter. I personally believe the Sith to be a morally-neutral organization, one that has a select few bad seeds scattered here and there. The Sith use passion and emotion as conduits of the Force, as opposed to the Jedi, who use Inner Peace instead. The Jedi recognize that there are areas of the Force that cannot truly be understood or entirely controlled… Areas that they dare not access. Therefore, they practice restraint, dubbing this unexplored territory the “Dark Side” of the Force, and condemning any and all practitioners of its arts.

Now, this next part is what really sells me to the Sith… The Jedi detested Dark Side users do much that they hunted them to near extinction, in a manner quite similar to the Crusades. The Jedi hold themselves on a mantle above the Sith, declaring themselves “Good” and their enemies “Evil.” But I now present to you the question… Are the Jedi truly good? And are the Sith, by extension, evil? Let’s look at the facts.


1. The Jedi cut themselves off from all physical attachment, considering emotion and attachment dangerous and dark. But last I checked, wasn’t love a good thing? The same goes for joy, attachment, and many forms of passion. Take the love and attachment of a mother and child, for instance. What could be more good and pure than a love such as this? Yet the Jedi’s principles condemn such a love, seeing it as a lure for the forces that they don’t understand (AKA, the Dark Side)

2. The Jedi are hypocrites to their own code. They condemn pride, yet declare themselves the single good, holy force in the galaxy, and condemn their opponents as evil. Is such a declaration not prideful?

3. As Yoda himself stated in the novel-version of Revenge of the Sith, the Jedi’s downfall came about because they stayed true to their old ways, while the Sith embraced change and adapted to a growing universe, taking on new ways and adapting to be as versatile as possible.


1. The Sith embrace all emotions and physical affection, seeing passion as a powerful and wonderful thing. Yes, they wield Hatred, Anger, and Fear as blunt tools to master the Force, but they can also use positive emotions, such as Love, Joy, and Attachment, to wield the same powers and abilities.

2. Many look down on the Sith, seeing only individuals such as Palpatine or Malgus as representatives of the entire organization. Yes, some who wield the Dark Side of the force delve into the wrong areas, and become corrupted by it’s uncontrollable power.. But it seems that these individuals have cast a dark light over the entire Sith organization. Not all Sith are necessarily evil.

3. They have lightning.

All in all, I believe that the Sith are the true gems of the galaxy. What do you say?”

Are Sith really evil?

On September 16, 2016 at 01:07PM Angel Said…

On September 15, 2016 at 08:30PM Mark Said…

One of the most beautiful pieces I have heard in a very long time.

On September 15, 2016 at 01:18PM Angel Said…

I’m not mad at the people doing the job they just want to get paid, but calling tech support at your cable/Internet company is awful until you push through and finally get things escalated. It’s taken me two weeks to get someone one the phone who finally understood that resetting my modem wasn’t going to fix this problem. So now they are sending someone out on Sunday..but damn it shouldn’t take so much work to get past the tier one tech support. They blamed my router and blamed my computer(s) repeatedly until finally I had enough and demanded to speak to someone else. Sheesh why does their customer service have to be so awful. I mean at least it’s not Comcast, but come on Time Warner Cable be better.

On September 10, 2016 at 03:33PM Angel Said…

The photo of a couple using heroin with a kid in the car is horrifying. The reaction is even worse.
Drug addicts need our help, not our disdain.