You know your stoned when you wait for a stop sign to turn green,
Don’t worry it could be worse, you could living in a box with some guy name Randy, btw he has a trucker hat
When the uber driver calls you just to tell you when he’s gonna be there
depression is when you don’t really care about anything. anxiety is when you care too much, and over think everything, having both is hell.
At that point in my life i really don’t know what to do next…
It’s a Saturday night… I got robbed.. Did not get paid like i was supposed to.. Todays all around fucked… Im going to bed….
Getting robbed 25 bucks is GREATT
Im so fucking pissed, can’t believe that just fucking happen, once again bad shit happens to me
Life is like Facebook you just keep scrolling until you find what’s worth stopping for
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