Research by the British American Tobacco R&D Center found lungs exposed to e-cigarettes suffered just two gene mutations – compared to the 123 genes changed by exposure to tobacco.
Source: E-cigarettes ARE safer than tobacco, study confirms | Daily Mail Online
Vaping Helped an Estimated 6.1 Million Smokers Quit, Study Says
The estimation, based on survey responses, shows how little we understand vaping as a smoking cessation tool.
Health officials don’t think e-cigarettes should be banned from public spaces
Banning e-cigarettes in public spaces could be “damaging”, health officials have said. The comments from Public Health England (PHE) come after a medic at the British Medical Association’s annual meeting in Belfast called for restrictions on places where e-cigarettes can be used in public. But if such a policy was in place, it may put off smokers from using e-cigarettes to help them quit, PHE said. |
Promote e-cigarettes widely as substitute for smoking says new RCP report
A new report released today from the Royal College of Physicians, ‘Nicotine without smoke: tobacco harm reduction’ concludes that e-cigarettes are likely to be beneficial to UK public health.
E-Cigs’ Inconvenient Truth: It’s Much Safer to Vape
In applying the same tactics used to demonize tobacco, are anti-smoking advocates and regulators missing out on a chance to save millions of lives?
I vape, I don’t do it because I think it looks cool. I don’t do it because I’m an asshole. I don’t do it because it’s the “In” thing to do. I vape because it saved my life. Before I vaped, I was smoking almost 3 packs of cigarette ‘s a day and sometimes more. I could barely breath. I was on the verge of getting COPD. My blood pressure was sky high, and my doctor was worried about me. It’s been 2 years since I had cigarette and that’s because I vape. I’m so sick and tired of defending something that has likely saved my life. No my e-cigg most likely isn’t harm free but it’s definitely not as bad for me as smoking was. I tried the patch, I tried cold turkey, I tried a million other ways and could never kick the smoking habit until I started vaping. Please stop trying to take away something that has helped so many people like myself.
Excuse Me while I rant:
FUCK YOU if you want to judge every person who vapes Simply because you have an aversion to something that looks like smoking. FUCK YOU if you want to use “The Children” as your excuse to pass laws, because apparently you feel that every thing that MIGHT be dangerous should be outlawed. Vaping has saved the lives of so many people and FUCK YOU for wanting to take it away from those people and possibly sending them back to smoking.
Sorry I’m done, please continue….
Tell Young People the Truth: E-Cigarettes and Vaping Flavors Help People Quit Smoking
It seems like every day we hear a new attack - yet these products are actually helping some people quit or cut back on the much more dangerous alternative of smoking tobacco.