Here’s a good Meatloaf Recipe
Read the rest of On June 27, 2014 at 10:04PM Angel Said…
Hey Mark thought you might find this interesting.
Netflix’s first original anime series ‘Knights of Sidonia’ debuts July 4th
Manga-based series follows a mech pilot fighting shapeshifting aliens in outer space
Before I started keto , I would have never thought I could give up breads, rice and pasta(grains). But Everything about my tastes has changed. Today I was craving a salad something fierce. I don’t miss bread at all, especially since I occasionally bake my own almond flour bread. I really do feel much better these days. I just wish I could break this stall I’ve been on. I’m sure it will happen eventually but it can be kind of frustrating.
Congrats, America. You have less economic opportunity than you did in 1970
There’s just one thing dragging down opportunity in America: the economy.
How the sweetener industry sugar-coats science
A new report reveals how Big Sugar covers up evidence that sweets cause health problems.
Good Morning World, I hope everyone is well today!
This is so horrible
A SWAT team blew a hole in my 2-year-old son (UPDATE)
That's right: Officers threw a flashbang grenade in my son's crib -- and left a hole in his chest. It gets worse
I can’t wait for my awesome Parent in Law’s to move up with us. My Mother in law is going to be helping me with getting to the YMCA so I can use the pool to walk (less resistance in the water) and she’s going to be helping me with yoga. Hopefully by this time next year I’ll be walking and standing much better.
+Amanda Park it's a shame +Mark Dallemagne and I don't live closer to you I"m sure we would have many great times hanging out together…lol.
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