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So she won’t do her job because “God” but she got pregnant with twins by her third husband, while she was married to her first husband, who her 2nd husband then adopted. She’s been Married 4 times, I wonder what her “God” thinks of that? Hypocrisy much?
Well if that doesn’t throw things for a loop. Interesting. Thanks to my amazing wife Angel for bringing this to my attention.
Subatomic particles that appear to defy Standard Model points to undiscovered forces
Subatomic particles have been found that appear to defy the Standard Model of particle physics. The team working at Cern’s Large Hadron Collider have found evidence of leptons decaying at different rates, which could possibly point to some undiscovered forces. Publishing their findings in the journal Physical Review Letters, the team from the University of Maryland had been searching for conditions and behaviours that do not fit with the Standard…
Archaeologists Discover The World’s Largest Ancient Stone Block
See that absurdly massive stone block? Yeah, that’s not the one we’re talking about. Look over to the right. German archaeologists working at the Baalbek site in Lebanon have uncovered the largest known ancient block.