I love when kitty carries stuff around in his mouth, because it’s always something twice his size so it look hilarious…
Revealed: NSA pushed 9/11 as key ‘sound bite’ to justify surveillance
An internal document recommended that officials use fear of attack when pressed to explain agency’s programs
Well guess I'm outta bed whether I like it or not. WTF Street worker, WHO STARTS USING A JACKHAMMER IN A NEIGHBORHOOD AT 7:00 A.M.?????
New Jersey begins same-sex marriages
Couples exchange vows across the state as Gov. Chris Chirstie drops his appeal to the state’s Supreme Court
But nobody wants the ACA it will ruin America!!! </sarcasm >
A half million Americans signed up for Obamacare
Obama administration releases figure amid flurry of criticism of the health care law’s insurance exchange websites
Super-Sizing Welfare Costs: Low Wages at McDonald’s, Burger King Cost Taxpayers Billions
New research shows more than half of low-wage workers at fast-food restaurants rely on public assistance to survive – a rate double that of the overall workforce. According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, low wages in the fast-food industry cost American taxpayers nearly $7…
Utterly fucking speechless!!!!!
School Suspends Student Indefinitely For A Drawing Of A Cartoon Bomb He Made At Home
I don’t even know what to say about the following. Is there some sort of secret contest going on between administrators to see who can come up with the most ridiculous interpretation of their…
So after having to deal with fixing Mark‘s computer, my computer started having issues, leading me to also have to reformat and re-install windows on my own gaming computer. Talk about an exercise in frustration. So I’ve spent the past few days dealing with doing windows installs. I’m still trying to get all my stuff re-installed. Luckily I had just recently backed up all my important stuff but it still doesn’t make it any easier when having to deal with setting up windows . OMG I just wish we could all game on Linux !!!
Trying to decide whether or not I like this new strawberry flavor I’m vaping I kinda like but there is something about it…..