On January 10, 2014 at 02:53AM Angel Said…

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On January 10, 2014 at 02:53AM Angel Said…Watching Galaxy Quest, Ratings weren’t great on it but I enjoy this move 😀
Galaxy Quest (1999) - IMDb
Galaxy Quest: Directed by Dean Parisot. With Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub. The alumni cast of a space opera television series have to play their roles as the real thing when an alien race needs their help. However, they also have to defend both Earth and the alien race fr…
On January 07, 2014 at 06:20PM Angel Said…![]()
From Funding Climate Deniers to Shadowy Groups, Koch Brothers Network Spent $400 Million in 2012
The Washington Post and the Center for Responsive Politics have just published an exposé revealing how a labyrinth of 17 tax-exempt groups and limited liability companies tied to the billionaire Koch Brothers raised at least $407 million during the 2012 campaign. The staggering amount is equivalent…
On January 06, 2014 at 03:45PM Angel Said…These are exactly the types of thing Net Neutrality Laws Prevent on regular internet. Allowing the ISP to “Double Dip” Does not encourage competition it stifles it down to only those who can afford to pay the tax. As customers we need to make our service providers know that they need to remain dumb pipes because that is what they are. All this crap (Data caps, Charging websites to reach customers, cutting people off the internet), it’s all about making money and nothing more. Internet in the U.S. is shitty and it’s shitty because our ISP’s refuse to upgrade their infrastructure all the while wanting to charge us more for less. You might think this doesn’t effect you, but it will. Time Warner cable throttles both the connections for Netflix & Youtube, if you experience buffering when trying to watch either, it’s because they are purposely limiting your connection, preventing you from watching High Def videos on line.
AT&T’s Sponsored Data is bad for the internet, the economy, and you
AT&T today announced a new "Sponsored Data" program that lets developers and brands pay to deliver content to your mobile device outside of your data caps. It sounds great for consumers on its face — you'll be able to get more stuff without paying for it! — but in reality it's a huge blow to the free and vibrant market of the internet economy, and the first step towards a new era of carrier control.
On January 06, 2014 at 07:19AM Angel Said…As a now 38 year old who once was in & out of juvenile for charges such as being incorrigible, I say this is long overdue. The juvenile justice system is a joke & has been for years. The only thing I ever learned in there was how to be better at being bad. ![]()
Activists push for juvenile justice system reforms
Critics argue detention centers wrongly focus on punishment rather than rehabilitation for young people