On April 05, 2014 at 04:43PM Mark Said…It has been a very long time since I have seen a band replace their lead vocalist so well. Tommy Karevik picks up where Khan left off with ease. Excellent move Kamelot and another amazing video,song and album. “Sacrimony (Angel Of Afterlife)” A passing life each day, a carving on the wall When all the world is gathered for the final feast [Chorus:] Tell me what they say that I’m supposed to know It all becomes clear [Chorus] And now leave me alone All becomes clear I am your angel of afterlife calming you down [Chorus] (Ring around a rosie,
On April 05, 2014 at 03:51PM Mark Said…I couldn’t find a decent copy of a video of the band performing this song so the link is just to the audio. This song goes out to all those people who…well…I think we all know some people this should be dedicated to. You may be one of them. “Gotta Kill Capt. Stupid” Ah damn, we got a lot of stupid people Gotta kill Captain Stupid, can’t you see him Got to kill Captain Stupid Brothers killing brothers, what up with that? Got to kill Captain Stupid Kill him, kill him, kill him And I don’t understand why Oh, what’s that? What’s that crap you’re smoking, playing the fool Got to kill Captain Stupid Kill him, kill him, kill him What’s that now? Performed By SUicidal Tendencie