Big Cable organizing to stop strong net neutrality
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is considering a legal change that would give the agency more power to enact network neutrality regulations. The cable industry and its allies on Congress are organizing to prevent that.
This type of behavior from our schools & police is completely unacceptable and I can’t believe it’s allowed to continue. I suppose it’s just another step in assimilating our society into conformity. I’ve long worried that schools are teaching children to conform rather to then to love learning.
Cops To Kids: You’re Never Too Young To Be Handcuffed
Time for another reading of that children’s literature standby, If You Give A School A Cop. If you give a school a cop, you create criminals. Cops are trained to deal with criminals, not elem…
Can’t get a smell out of your plastic Tupperware? Grab some used coffee grinds and rub down the inside of your dish, do the lid too if it has a smell. Then put the lid on the dish leaving the grinds in and let it sit for an hour or so depending on how bad the smell is. Then wash out the dish, the smell should be gone.
Oculus suggests a massively multiplayer online experience (MMO) for one billion simultaneous users in VR « Kurzweil
Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe suggested at the Techcrunch Disrupt event Monday May 5 that Oculus and Facebook could in the future build a massively multiplayer online experience (MMO) for one billion simultaneous users in VR, according to The Verge. It could also be a metaverse that joins disparate virtu…