There are some awesome posters coming out of Comic-Con already, and it’s only day one SDCC
The coolest posters of Comic-Con 2014
Making a good first impression with an incredible work of art
No big surprise here.
Religious Children Struggle To Separate Fact From Fiction
Religious Children Struggle To Separate Fact From Fiction
I am so signing up.
Get unlimited access to over 15,000 Marvel comics for 99 cents
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
So we drove out to Mcklusky Chevrolet to look at a car we had scheduled a test drive for. We get there only to find the car had been sold. So since we had made the trip we decided to see what we might qualify for. Well it’s obviously going to take a while and it’s late and we’re both hungry so we decide we’re just going to leave. We get back out to our car, and it won’t start. We noticed not even the dash lights are coming on. So we figure the battery is dead and we ask for a jump. We get the car started and pull out of the car lot. we get about 1/4 mile down the road only to have it die again. A guy behind us was nice enough to push us off the road into a nearby parking lot. I call my dad, and he says he can come out. He drives out and brings his tools. They mess with the battery and give it a jump and it starts again, but it won’t stay started. So they pull the battery out and he drives us down the road to a nearby Walmart. We buy a battery ($80.00) and bring it back. They get it in the car and it starts right up.. THANK GOODNESS For My AWESOME Dad. He followed us home and things are fine. What a freaking night. Anyway I’m just glad it’s over
House votes to let states ban public broadband
The House of Representatives has approved legislation that would make it harder for cities to build their own broadband networks.
Hello My Keto friends how is everyone this fine Saturday 🙂
Ok who the fuck can explain to me the difference between rugby and aussie rules football?
Amazon is working on Kindle Unlimited, the ultimate subscription service for readers
Over 600,000 titles and ‘thousands’ of audiobooks for $9.99 each month
Shift to ‘Food Insecurity’ Creates Startling New Picture of Hunger in America | Nat Geo Food
Modern hunger in America shows what has—and hasn’t—changed since 1968.