The Dallemagnes → From the mouth of Angel
Coming to the awkward realization that a huge portion of the people in my life only seem to come around or call when they want/need something. I have to wonder, does this mean I’ve been a pushover in the past? How is it that in my almost 40 years on this planet I have so few people in my life who really care?
I thought you might find this interesting Mark
Sense is excellent, the Wachowskis are great at making you think.
A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order.
My head is pounding and I just feel wore out the fever broke through so that’s good.
You know why I hate graves disease, random out of nowhere fever. Was up to 102 holding steady at 100.3 right now. Had horrible shivers earlier, my whole body ached from them. FML!
Here you go Mark
Experiment confirms quantum theory weirdness
The bizarre nature of reality as laid out by quantum theory has survived another test, with scientists performing a famous experiment and proving that reality does not exist until it is measured. Physicists have conducted John Wheeler’s delayed-choice thought experiment, which involves a moving object that is given the choice to act like a particle or a wave. The group reversed Wheeler’s original experiment, and used helium atoms scattered by lig… |
Sorry if my posts seem sort of strange lately, I’ve been going through some things and am spending quite a bit of time reflecting on things and trying to heal old wounds.
If I was not around tomorrow & you didn’t know where I was would you miss me…..