The Dallemagnes → From the mouth of AngelCommunity College First![]() Well after much thought and discussion with Mark, Due to finances I think I’m going to go for my associates at a community college before Signing up for classes at ASU. This will save us some money in the long run. I would really love for money to not be the deciding factor but unfortunately it has to be. That’s okay I guess in the end what matters is getting the education.
The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003![]() I read through this list and the parallels between it, and the current state of our country lead me to be very fearful indeed.
Source: The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003
Fundamentalist Christian Parents who let diabetic son starve to death found guilty of first-degree murder | The Independent![]() This disgusts me so much.
Source: Parents who let diabetic son starve to death found guilty of first-degree murder | The Independent
On Free Speech![]()
Free Speech Clip art
Today I read an article on Aljazeera which attempted to say that the treatment of Milo Yiannopoulos was an example of “Hypocrisy of Free Speech”1. The author Rachel Shabi attempts to say that by the reactions of certain parties to the recent revelation that Milo had endorsed paedophilia Goes on to show that even free speech has it’s limitations. Free speech in our constitution however guarantees that you may say what you like without risking being jailed for it. The constitution does not guarantee that your peers, employers, or others will not react to it in a manner that you dislike. Your employer’s are free to fire/hire you based on what you speak freely. Your peers are free to endorse or chastise you for it, and all are free to disassociate with you because of the words you have spoken. Free speech does come with those caveats. So yes Rachel, Milo had consequences for his behavior, but no his free speech was not violated. He was and still is free to continue to say the things he has been saying. But we also have a right to chastise him for it, and his employers have a right to terminate his employment for them. While I will agree with you that being tolerant of hate speech in regards to minorities is repulsive, again those people are free to say what they wish. It’s just that for some reason more people tolerate hate speech then are willing to tolerate paedophilia. In my personal opinion both are sick and disgusting and promoting or tolerating either is truly horrible. I do empathize with your plight, it is sad that there are folks willing to pay people to write such hate filled articles and/or books. But that doesn’t mean that we can take away their right to say it. This country was built on free speech it’s in our constitution for a reason, Free speech is needed in a democracy in order to debate what our laws should and should not be. Free Speech promotes free and open discussion within our congress. It allows the people the right to address their government with their grievances. Without free speech we could not protest when we disagree with the laws or with the way our elected official are behaving. Without free speech a private citizen running for office would have no way to criticize his incumbent opponent without fear of punishment. Of course there are a couple of limitations, for example one may not falsely yell “FIRE” in a crowded theatre, but those limits are there for a good reason. There is a saying “I may not agree with what you are saying, but I will absolutely fight for your right to say it.”
What they really mean when they say they want to “De-fund Planned Parenthood”![]() So if you have a medical card and you visit planned parenthood. You present your medical card to them. Then any services you receive are looked at and if eligible, planned parenthood then sends a bill to the medical card provider. Just like any other insurance provider. Planned parenthood isn’t given a blank check, they can’t just spend tax payer funds on whatever they feel like spending them on. So what they really mean when they say they want to defund planned parenthood, is that they don’t want them providing any medical services to low income people. Defunding them will not suddenly stop them from providing abortions. In fact, government funds can not be used for abortions and it has been against the law to do so since the passage of the Hyde amendment in 1976. If they are successful in defunding planned parent hood. No one with a medical card will be able to use them for birth control, breast exams, gynecological check ups, pregnancy tests, prenatal care or any other perfectly normal medical services. Personally I would hate to see woman have less choice about where they can receive health care.
A US-born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone | The VergeThing’s like this are seriously scary ![]()
A US-born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone
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