The Dallemagnes → Angel’s Google Plus
The anti-net neutrality coalition is a sham
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
Gamers More Likely To Be Social, Educated Than Non-Gamers
Gamers More Likely To Be Social, Educated Than Non-Gamers
‘A soup of misery’: Over half of people say they’d abandon their cable company, if only they could
Cable rage is real, and a study of 3,000 customers proves it.
School cancels reading program rather than promote “hacker culture”
Boing Boing editor responds, offers 200 free copies to the school's students.
This month on the 22nd it will be one year since I quit smoking. But in the past week or so I noticed that now I’m starting to cough up a bit a phlegm. I wouldn’t have thought I would be doing so almost a year later…..
Cable companies bankroll fake consumer groups to end net neutrality
Internet fast lane debate is latest battleground in storied ISP astroturf saga.
I’ve never been a tea drinker, never liked the taste of it. But since I cut out soda I’ve been trying new things. Just discovered that apple cinnamon spice tea is pretty damn good with cream and sweetener.
Finally got my Windows box back in order. It shouldn’t take two days to get an operating system back in working order because you had to do a clean install. Windows Sucks if I didn’t need it for games, all my rigs would be Linux Boxes!