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So with Guild Wars 2 coming out and my current computer being about 4 years old and not really on the high end The hubby & I decided it was time for me to have a new one.
My niece Jaelynn at 6 weeks
I’ve been feeling lonely lately. It’s hard to be at home by yourself a good portion of the time. I mean granted I have the internet, but that really is no replacement for a real connection with another person. I just hate when Mark has to go work because most days feel really long and it seems like the weekends go bye too fast 🙁 .
This was us celebrating Mothers day as well as Dad & Amy’s Birthday.
So we’ve been in our new place for a few weeks now & I’m loving it. We still have some things we need though such as more furniture and few small kitchen appliances. It’s been odd getting used to living without a microwave especially where leftovers are concerned. It can be daunting to know that in order to heat up last nights dinner you have to get everything back on the stove. But I also think it’s been good for us because we have discovered some great recipes and I’m really enjoying cooking again. I’m also enjoying the new diet still, being in our our own place again makes it so much easier to keep to our organic diet, I’m loving filling
So my diet change is going rather well, I’ve been at it for almost 4 weeks now and I’ve lost 10lbs. I’m really enjoying finding better ways to eat and experimenting with new things. Don’t get me wrong there have been a few folly’s though. I bought these so called chewy cereal bars, and yes they were chewy but damn they tasted like sawdust. I also tried these veggie crunchers and YUCK!! That said though I have found a ton of good stuff. I’m really enjoying having more fruits in my diet, I put strawberry’s on or in anything I can and I eat more banana’s as well as apple’s. Things are going pretty well and so far I’m very happy with my decisions, I’ll post more on this later as I progress… 🙂
So We were able to file our taxes on the 31st of January hopefully it won’t take too long to get them back. Last June when we had to leave washington due to the hubby being long term unemployed we came to Ohio and have been staying with my folks since. Since he finally found work we’re planing on using the tax’s to get out into our own place. We’re both thrilled by this. We’re hoping to find a 2 or 3 bedroom house, I personally am sick to death of apartments and all the neighbors that come with them. Since I moved out when I was 17 yrs old all I have done is live in apartments and I want to be able to not have to worry about making too much noise for just once….lol.
I went to physical therapy yesterday and he worked me hard..lol. I did 10 minutes each on two different types of recumbent trainer. The second one provided more of a rotation to get my hips stretched.
My Nephew Gavin Dancing 🙂
Well today I went to the dentist office but that’s not my big news my big news is that the room the doctor had me in was all the way in the back of the office and afterwards, without help, or stopping I WALKED all the way from the back room outside and across the parking lot to where my mom was waiting and got into the car with little pain. This is a big improvement for me and I’m so grateful I was able to do it!