So this past Sunday, the hardware that hosted my linode had a failure. When they were back online, I was still having issues. My Linode was failing to boot. So It was just the kick in the pants I needed.
I had been having issues for a while, getting random reboots and what not. So I ended up deleting my linode, and starting a new one on a different data center. Now I had been using webmin for a while, but this time I discovered virtualmin . I decided to install it. Man have I been missing out. It seriously made setting up my websites & email like 1000x easier.
Now after working at it all day, I have my websites back up and running from the backups, and have my mumble servers going again and this time Without the random reboots!! YAY!!!!
“An Ohio high school student was suspended from playing on the soccer team for a year after he retweeted a post on Twitter that said, “Marijuana is my favorite.”
Facebook will punish publishers who ask for Likes and Shares
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
Tell Comcast you are rational, knowledgeable and you oppose their merger with Time Warner
Comcast lobbyist David Cohen says he hasn’t heard any “rational, knowledgeable voices” objecting to their merger with Time Warner. Let’s set him straight.