The Dallemagnes → November, 2018

On 2018-11-24T11:07:57.000Z Kenzie Said…

Anyone wanna talk??

Imagiary_friend 痛い

Total Nerd

Total Nerd
That was intense. (Via Imgur)

Floof Bork Snoot ‘N’ Boop Ltd

Floof Bork Snoot ‘N’ Boop Ltd
The Golden Boi steps in just in time to save Steve from his catnip driven self. Lesson learned here is we should all be Good like Golden

Laughter Heals

Laughter Heals
Old but gold?


old gold

DJ Potato

Chris J Carr

Chris J Carr
Bruhhh!!! ???

Laughter Heals

Laughter Heals

Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super
Hilarious ?