The Dallemagnes → June, 2017
Rant time…
You been warned
So some people think it’s sooo easy to get 1000 likes on a music page sorry but like when you don’t have much pain promotion and you have to do everything on your own Yeah that’s a lot I work hard on my music and worked even harder to gain some sort of fallowing, once you even gain the fallowing you want you need to keep them interested with good content if you put out a lot of bs after getting to where you wanna be it’s gonna drop down quick or if you do something offensive to piss people off but all in all its not easy I don’t think I’m the best at what I do im still learning everyday and i Thank everyone who has supported me though ups and downs I will keep going and say fuck you to the haters I do this for the music not for popularity
Much love and new music will be out soon
I want to see a pregnancy test commercial where 2 single people high five the sh!t out of each other because it’s negative
I want to see a pregnancy test commercial where 2 single people high five the sh!t out of each other because it’s negative
Why do people in Horror Movies yell out “Hello?” as if the killer is gonna say “yeah, I’m in the kitchen, want a sandwich?”
Why do people in Horror Movies yell out “Hello?” as if the killer is gonna say “yeah, I’m in the kitchen, want a sandwich?”
Why do people in Horror Movies yell out “Hello?” as if the killer is gonna say “yeah, I’m in the kitchen, want a sandwich?”
Why do people in Horror Movies yell out “Hello?” as if the killer is gonna say yeah I’m in the kitchen, want a sandwich?
Laptop speakers,
too quiet for music, too loud for porn.
While the optimist and pessimist argue over the glass of water, the opportunist sneaks in and drinks it.
Good morning facebook