The Dallemagnes → 2014

On March 05, 2014 at 04:26PM Angel Said…

On March 04, 2014 at 06:50PM Mark Said…

Due to my failure to have posted a song yesterday here is a bonus track. The only story behind this song is that it is one of the coolest drinking songs ever!!!. This song just fucking rocks and is fun as fuck to sing along with. So grab yourself a bottle of Stoli, Absolut, Smirnoff etc…start drinking…hit play and fucking jam…….VODKA!!!!!

Vodka! Vodka! Vodka! Vodka! Hey!
Vodka, you’re feeling stronger
Vodka, no more feeling bad
Vodka, your eyes are shining
Vodka, you are the real MAN
Vodka, wipes away your tears
Vodka, removes your fears
Vodka, everyone is gorgeous
Vodka, yeah vodka

Drinking is good for you,
Soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you,
Here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you,
Not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you,
And you will feel awesome!!

Out of respect for nature,
Our vodka and drinkers.
Promising, that the vodka
We reserve, is as pure as it was
Thousands of years ago

Vodka, you’re feeling stronger
Vodka, no more feeling bad
Vodka, your eyes are shining
Vodka, you are the real MAN
Vodka, wipes away your tears
Vodka, removes your fears
Vodka, everyone is gorgeous
Vodka, yeah vodka

Drinking is good for you
Soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you
Here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you,
Not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you,
And you will feel awesome!!
Drinking is good for you,
Soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you,
Here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you,
Not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you!!


Vodka, you’re feeling stronger
Vodka, no more feeling bad
Vodka, your eyes are shining
Vodka, you are the real MAN
Vodka, wipes away your tears
Vodka, removes your fears
Vodka, everyone is gorgeous
Vodka, yeah vodka

Drinking is good for you,
Soon you are unconstrained
Drinking is good for you,
Here comes the womanizer
Drinking is good for you,
Not anymore lonesome
Drinking is good for you,
And you will feel awesome!!

On March 04, 2014 at 06:32PM Mark Said…

Today’s song selection today is a tune by a little Canadian band a couple of you may have heard of that goes by the name of Rush 🙂 This song is quite memorable for me because my fiancee at the time  (20+ years ago) told me that the lyrics to this song reminded her of me. I was never quite sure at the time how to take that. Well enough of my ramblings. On to the song…..

“New World Man”

He’s a rebel and a runner
He’s a signal turning green
He’s a restless young romantic
Wants to run the big machine

He’s got a problem with his poisons
But you know he’ll find a cure
He’s cleaning up his systems
To keep his nature pure

Learning to match the beat of the Old World Man
Learning to catch the heat of the Third World Man

He’s got to make his own mistakes
And learn to mend the mess he makes
He’s old enough to know what’s right
But young enough not to choose it
He’s noble enough to win the world
But weak enough to lose it
He’s a New World Man…

He’s a radio receiver
Tuned to factories and farms
He’s a writer and a ranger
And a young boy bearing arms

He’s got a problem with his power
With weapons on patrol
He’s got to walk a fine line
And keep his self-control

Trying to save the day for the Old World Man
Trying to pave the way for the Third World Man

He’s not concerned with yesterday
He knows constant change is here today
He’s noble enough to know what’s right
But weak enough not to choose it
He’s wise enough to win the world
But fool enough to lose it
He’s a New World Man…

On March 04, 2014 at 05:51PM Angel Said…

On March 04, 2014 at 07:16AM Mark Said…

Due to unforeseen circumstances I was unable to post my song lyrics of the day yesterday but I will get to it this evening after work. 

On March 03, 2014 at 01:30PM Mark Said…

The minute you have lost the ability to have fun and even have a good laugh at yourself then you have lost a very important part of what makes you human. Life is hard enough without taking the time to smile and laugh. Especially in the most stressful of times. Do yourself and others a favor and fucking laugh people. The world has enough assholes in it without you joining the "corncob up the ass" army.

On March 02, 2014 at 05:57PM Angel Said…

On March 01, 2014 at 10:00PM Angel Said…

OMG 20 years, It's been 20 Years since I became a Mom!!! OK KIDS YOU CAN STOP GROWING NOW!!!

On March 01, 2014 at 11:07AM Mark Said…

The first song I will be sharing is one that I think is very important especially for parents to hear. It is far more important to teach your children How to think than What to think. They should be taught the ability to think for themselves. Too many parents spend their time trying to program their kids like robots instead of creating free thinking human beings. Enjoy.

Sonata Arctica – “I Have A Right”

Give me the right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything… I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

I have a right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything… I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

Father, there’s a little flower
Beautiful and different, all alone… All alone…
Is it so, Dad? I’m not supposed to
Make the world anew, and be like you? Am I you?

Give me the gift to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything… I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

I have a right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything… I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

…Right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be me…

You made it clear right from the start
I am to take your sour heart within, one sad day…
But I will never teach my son
Embittered history, tried and true, ’cause I’m not you…

I have a right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything… I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

I have a right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To have every gift… I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

Give me the eyes so I see,
Give me ears so I hear,
Give me love so I know what love is,
Give me the freedom to think,
To believe… in something

I have a right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

I have a special right to grow up,
and to develope physically and spiritually
in a healthy and normal way.
Free, and with dignity.
I have the right to love, and understanding.
My parents have special responsibilites
for my education and guidance.
I should be taught peace, understanding, tollerance,
and friendship among all people.

So give me the gift to hear, to see,
The love, the freedom to choose the things I feel,
To be right for the world you’ll leave me…
Give something.

Give me the right to be heard,
To be seen, to be loved, to be free,
To be everything I need to be me,
To be safe, to believe… in something

Right to be heard, to be seen,
To be loved, to be free, to be everything,
I need to be heard, to be seen,
To be loved, to be free, to be everything,
I need to be heard, to be seen,
To be loved, to be free, to be everything,
I need to be heard…

Kenzie & Sinta Boxing