Pardon my posting here, but I really don’t know where else I can take this. Most pretty much all of my family is religious and well I’m not. Tonight I was told that my cousin passed away. She was younger than me and had two children. She had been fighting cancer, but was also a recovering drug addict. We’re not sure if in her depression and dealing with the cancer if she turned back to drugs. They will be doing an autopsy. I just feel so lost and in such shock. She was only 33 years old. I remember us being kids together and playing and even getting in trouble together. My mother tried to comfort me in her usual way. By saying everything happens for a reason and she’s in heaven now. I told her, that I’m not trying to be a bitch, and I understand that those things comfort you but they don’t comfort me. She said she understood. But I just feel so lost right now. I want to say that I feel like maybe she is still all around me, that the energy that was her is now just in a different form…. maybe that’s so. Anyway if you’ve read this far thank you for listening.