It seems like just about everyone knows someone with a thyroid condition. Their symptoms can sometimes be wide ranging. Much like the IRS and their tax code, it can leave you a little confused about what exactly it does and why it can cause so many problems. In an effort to put this ignorance to…
Atheist N.J. Family Sues School District Over ‘Under God’ Phrase In Pledge Of Allegiance
The lawsuit against the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District was filed in state court last month and announced Monday by the American Humanist Association.
Sunday night’s episode of Game Of Thrones took an even darker turn than usual: Jaime Lannister, who has transitioned from one of the story’s villains to one of its heroes, takes the opportunity of his son’s death to rape his sister and lover, Cersei—in the Westerosi equivalent of a church, while Jof…
Why Is The US Gov’t Arguing In The Supreme Court To Reshape The Internet The Way Broadcasters Want It?
This is hardly a surprise, given that we’d already covered the brief submitted by the US Solicitor General’s office in support of the broadcasters and against Aereo, but the Supreme Cou…