UK Considers Throwing Persistent Internet Pirates in Jail * TorrentFreak
During a debate on the UK’s Intellectual Property Bill, the Prime Minister’s Intellectual Property Adviser has again called for a tougher approach to online file-sharing. In addition to recommending “withdrawing Internet rights from lawbreakers”, Mike Weatherley MP significantly raised the bar by st…
I’m so glad I don’t go to movie theaters any more…
FBI Drags Google Glass Man From Theater on Piracy Fears * TorrentFreak
Google Glass is expected to transform the way that people interact with data and communications but for one unlucky user a paranoid reaction to the device ended up becoming a huge time waster. After wearing a turned off and prescription lens-equipped model to the theater, a man had it torn from his…
You want to know why there is no upward mobility in this country? You can't even think about Moving up when your too busy trying to stay afloat. Minimum wage needs to be raised and school needs to be affordable then we will have upward mobility in the country…
I was not selfless I was lost. I did not choose it was chosen for me. I still hurt because you are gone, I still long to hold you in my arms. Everyday your memories haunt me, not hearing you or knowing how you are daunts me. I hope you know I think of you, I hope you know I love you. It's hard to know just what to say because I fear the words I would choose would cause you pain. I can't undo what has been done all I can do is speak the truth.
Japan Remains Hotbed of TPP Protest as U.S. Tries to Fast-Track Trade Deal, Crush Environmental Laws
Japan has been a hotbed of protest against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would establish a free-trade zone stretching from Japan to the United States to Chile, and encompass nearly 40 percent of the global economy. Now, new documents released by WikiLeaks show the White House may be ready to…