The Dallemagnes → August, 2013The history of the Universe Made EasyThis is a really good collection of videos that explains scientific concepts very simply. The user who created them has his channel here which is filled with other informative videos beyond the ones in the playlist.
On August 16, 2013 at 10:59PM Mark Said…Why is it when someone makes a public post on here I get a notification saying "so & so has shared so & so with you"? They didn't share it with me. They shared it with everyone. Get me all excited thinking I am getting something special just for me only to have google crush my dreams. *sniff sniff * Screw you Google + you heartless bastard.
On August 14, 2013 at 08:08AM Mark Said…The Japanese think about going all Game of Thrones on the radiation problem.
Japan considers mile-long ice wall to stop radiation leaks
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