The Dallemagnes → July, 2011

Ordered a New Bed

I’m excited because I’m getting a new bed…for now we’ve been sleeping on an air

Humble Bundle

Today I purchased the humble bundle and I’m very glad I did. The humble bundle is a collections of cross platform(meanin they support windows, mac, and linux) collection of games. You decided what you want to pay then you can even decide how what you paid gets diveyed out, such as how much to developers and how much to charity. They are pretty neat games as well. If you get a chance I suggest checking out the bundle.

Random Videos at Moms 07-23-2011

This is just some random video shot at Moms house July 23, 2011

Driving From Washington to Ohio

We just Moved from Washington state to Ohio we drove the whole way. All 3 of us packed up tight in a 1998 Ford Escort for 3 days…lol…this is footage from the drive.