Exploring iis7

Having played around with iis on windows xp I was never really all that impressed with it, which made me look elsewhere for my webhosting needs, however having upgraded to windows vista home premium I recently decided to check out iis7.

First it has to be said that iis7 is much improved over it’s predecessors. Now it supports multiple websites, as well as it being easier to install php, perl, and python onto it. The control panel also has a nice feel to it. also you can easily serve up https pages with it. So impressed was I with it that I almost feel like I wasted my money when I purchased the pro version of abyss web server, I can honestly say I would not have done so had I known that iis7 would have all these added features. In less than a day I had it up and running and I have installed both php5 and php4 simultaneously as well as support for perl and python.

If you plan on upgrading to windows vista, it’s definatly worth taking a look at and getting to know. For more info on iis7 visit the iis7 home page.

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